GGNI corp. Gg National Indonesia Corp. is an electrical household manufacture and industry which was established recently in October 2004. With its based in surabaya, Indonesia, and having about two-hundred employees, this company would like to bring satisfaction in fulfilling primary household necessities' equipments.
GGNI corp. 's primary service is to assist the local and international markets starting from manufacturing the basic household needs up to customizing customers' necessities. GGNI corp. is ready to commit, compete and continously serve its market. By knowing, understanding and fulfilling what the market's needs, placing our customer's satisfactory as our priority and maintaining our quality of service, ggni will be the number one leader, creator, and innovator for local and global markets. We regard our employees to be a part of our family, ggni's family. People from different background and having different idea are our most valuable assets. Therfore, we will not only work together and provide ways to please our customers, but also harmonize the relationship between us as a part of our cultures. We are adaptive and responsive toward a changing environment.
We commit to accomplish our task in every situation and condition that exists. Our organization is ready to compete positively and wants to be the superior among competitors. We will be tough and ethical
Contact person: Mr. Robby S Irawan
Position: International Sales Manager
Phone: 62317409686 - Fax: 62317412048
Address: Jl. Indragiri 49
Surabaya, 60225
Country: Indonesia