Contact person: Mr. soloonactuator
Address: First No.15 Xingsheng Street,Beijing Economic&Technilogical Development Area,Beijng,China
Country: China
Phone: - Mobi: 010-67886688

Fire Smoke Damper Actuator Manufacturers

Price: 1650USD

Fire smoke damper actuators are designed specifically for fire and smoke application during normal operation, the smoke vent actuator motorized the damper. In the event of a fire emergency, the fire damper actuator springs back to its original position when there is a power outage or trip by the thermal sensor. In general, motorised fire damper actuator is open. When the smoke exhaust pipe temperature reaches 280 degrees in a fire emergency, the fire and smoke actuators is closed. The fire smoke damper actuator plays a very important role in smoke isolation and fire resistance. Among all the fire damper actuator manufacturers, Soloons is reliable and professional with its high-quality products at a reasonable fire damper actuator price.

Types of Motorised Fire Damper Actuators

S6061SF-2.5Nm Fire Smoke Damper Actuator
S6061SF-05 Fire Smoke Fire Smoke Damper Actuator
S6061SF-10/15 Fire Smoke Damper Actuator

What is a Motorised Fire Smoke Damper Actuator
Fire smoke damper actuator is used in the exhaust system or exhaust fan at the entrance of the suction pipe. The actuated fire dampers are close at ordinary times. When the fire broke out, motorised fire damper actuator fire alarm signal open the valve. Fire smoke damper actuator can satisfy the stability and refractory integrity within a certain amount of time.  Motorised fire damper actuator valve is a fire protection component, generally installed on the pipeline of the mechanical smoke exhaust system. fire damper actuator is usually in the open state. Open smoke exhausts in case of fire when the smoke temperature in the smoke exhaust pipe reaches 280 degrees. Within a certain time, the fire smoke damper actuator meets the requirements of smoke leakage and fire integrity.
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