Address: YiShengYuan, Jia331 ZhongGuanCun East Road, Beijing, China
Country: China
Phone: 861084568500 - Mobi: 861013693175865
Cell Phone Charging Kiosk
Price: 0
HKLG mobile phone charging kiosks ( mobile phone charging stations ) are innovative electronic products aiming at providing perfect services for millions of mobile phone users. HKLG mobile phone charging kiosks can have the functions of quick charging, emergency charging and advertising in public places. For charging, they can support almost 99% of mobile phones. For advertising, they can have LCD screen displaying your video advertisement.
HKLG mobile phone charging kiosks are designed for public service, so they can be set up at train stations, airports, banks, hotels, restaurants, supermarkets, schools, shopping malls, entertainment places, tourism spots, all kinds of stores and any other public places.
Main Functions: 1. Charging HKLG mobile phone charging kiosks can offer emergency charging for nearly all mobile phone types including iPhone / iPod.
2. Advertising HKLG mobile phone charging kiosks itself is a stereo advertisement carrier that can display video advertisement.
3. Serving HKLG mobile phone charging kiosks is serving for public. In addition to the functions of quick charging, emergency charging and displaying commercial advertisement in public places, any other accessorial, creative, intelligent or customized features can be added to make the service as perfect as possible.
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