Supplier: Apoaqua Group
Contact person: Mr. liu
Address: Dezhou Economic Development Zone
Country: China
Phone: - Mobi: 13780308628

Sludge Dewatering Equipment System for Desulfurization Waste

Price: 2250

Apoaqua's sludge dewatering machine can beused for sludge treatment in power plants. A large amount of sludge will beproduced during raw water pretreatment and desulfurization wastewatertreatment.

Compared with other dewatering equipment,the sludge dewatering machine runs smoothly and quietly, with less noise andreduced wear between parts. It can run continuously and automatically, whichcan greatly reduce the cost of use.

PowerPlant Sludge Dewatering Machine Structure

It mainly includes: variable frequency mudpump, flocculation mixing tank, fixed ring and moving ring, automatic dosingsystem for coagulant aid, and spray water system.

The sludge discharged from the raw waterpretreatment system enters the flocculation mixing tank. After mixing with thecoagulant aid, stir evenly, and after agglomerating into larger slag blocks,enter the dehydration component to complete dehydration. The system includes aflushing and watering system to intermittently rinse a small amount of mudresidue in the gaps of the dehydration components to keep the equipment clean.

Sludge dewatering equipment PAM automaticdosing device. If customers need, we can provide it for them. Its presence cangreatly reduce the cost of chemical agents. The equipment includes: a drypowder hopper, a preparation tank, a maturation tank and a storage tank. Thepolyacrylamide dry powder is accurately and evenly fed into the waterdistributor by a feeding screw driven by a variable frequency motor. Aftercontinuous and uniform mixing with water, it falls into the preparation tank.
Dissolve and mix evenly with a stirrer. The mixed liquid flows into thematuration tank by gravity, and is further stirred and matured. Finally, itflows into the storage tank for standby use.
The automatic operation of the automatic dispensing device can be realized bycontrolling the liquid level switch of the storage tank. During operation, thepreparation of the liquid is automatically started according to the liquidlevel in the storage tank. The prepared coagulant liquid can be controlled bythe electric valve for feeding the coagulant metering box. Automatically add coagulantaid to the metering tank.


Dewatering screw press can achievecontinuous and stable operation. During operation, the screw speed is low, thenoise is low, the equipment wear is small, and the maintenance workload issmall. Combined with PAM automatic dosing device, DCS program control system isintroduced to meet the requirements of remote operation and automatic control.

The bacteria and organic matter in thereclaimed water increase significantly, resulting in high sludge viscosity. Whenusing a plate and frame dehydrator, mud blocks tend to stick to the filtercloth. At the same time, the specific gravity of biological sludge isrelatively small, and the dehydration process of the centrifugal dehydrator ismore difficult. The dewatering screw press can control the moisture content ofthe sludge and adapt to the dewatering of different types of sludge.

Application in desulfurization wastewatertreatment in power plants. Choose a sludge dewatering machine that is suitablefor the high sulfate and high chloride ion materials in the desulfurizationsystem. Desulfurization waste cement slag also has a relatively high viscosity.Adhesion problems often occur during the operation of plate and framedehydrators. The sludge dewatering machine can perfectly solve this problem.
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